
作者:ench           时间:2021-10-24 10:54:32


Arlington Industries, Inc. 成立于 1949 年,早年作为锌压铸配件的区域供应商服务于电气行业。该公司于 1956 年被其现任所有者收购。从那时起,阿灵顿已成为传统金属和非金属配件和连接器的领先制造商 - 同时在开发独特和创新的电气和通信产品方面保持行业领先地位。


我们也坚定地致力于新产品的开发。我们密切关注行业,以开发针对工地问题和情况提供非常具体但创新的解决方案的产品。我们的承诺很容易从我们过去十年推出的 500 多种新产品或独特产品中得到认可。

经过多次工厂扩建,我们宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿的工厂现在占地 5 英亩。Arlington 产品通过支持分销商库存的库存销售代表在美国和加拿大销售。



Arlington Industries, Inc. was founded in 1949, and in its early years served the electrical industry as a regional supplier of zinc die cast fittings. The company was acquired by its present owners in 1956. Since, Arlington has become a leading manufacturer of traditional metallic and non-metallic fittings and connectors - while remaining an industry leader in the development of unique and innovative electrical and communications products.

Today, Arlington makes more individual zinc die cast line items than anyone else, and we're still the only independent electrical fittings manufacturer with injection molding capability for producing non-metallic fittings in-house.

We are also firmly committed to new product development. We monitor the industry closely to develop products that offer very specific, but innovative solutions to jobsite problems and situations. Our commitment is easily recognized by the more than 500 new or unique products we've introduced in the last ten years.

After multiple plant expansions, our Scranton, Pennsylvania facility now encompasses 5 acres under roof. Arlington products are available throughout the US and Canada through stocking sales representatives, who support distributors' inventory.

Arlington has protected virtually all its unique and innovative products with both domestic and foreign patents.







